Root Vision Writing Retreat

February 14 -17, 2025

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Welcome to Root Vision Retreats

No matter what stage of writing you may be at, whether a beginner or a well-seasoned pro, we all crave inspiration from time to time; the time to dream, the space to think, the energy to pour into a creative project. We need to recharge, to rediscover belief in ourselves and to re-imagine how we approach our passion or our work. We need to laugh, to learn new skills, to be alone when we choose to, to be part of a community when the mood takes us and to reconnect with the natural world. It’s hard to imagine a more perfect place to do all this than in beautiful Anderson Valley, in the coastal hills of Northern California near Mendocino. Come for the workshops, the food, the beauty, the quiet, or the community - leave with inspiration, new tools for approaching technique, and gems you yourself have mined from the depths of your own imagination and experience. Gems you can carry home to adorn any current project, or projects to come. Little gardening starts you have summoned into existence by turning over the soil to find the fecundity beneath.

Who joins our creative writing retreats?

Writers attending solo, or with a partner. Beginners who have never written before, or novelists with manuscripts in the final stages. Writers wishing to focus entirely on their creative work, and others who wish to combine our workshops with meditation, yoga, nature hikes, and fully catered farm to table meals. Whoever you are, wherever you live, whatever your needs, you’re welcome.

Writing Workshops at the Retreat

After breakfast each morning, throughout our retreat, we will gather for a shared one hour creativity seminar, followed by break-off writing workshops with facilitators Amiee (for Grounded Poetry with a Sense of Place) and Charissa (for Creative Writing as a Tool for Transformation). Our groups are small (ideally 10 participants per workshop) so content will be carefully designed to suit the interests and needs of each group, while being held in the larger context of each Facilitator’s personal approach. Guided workshop time is designed to foster growth opportunities for writers at all stages, from beginner to experienced. All sessions are lively and informal, with a balance between intense writing and friendly discussion, where everyone will have the opportunity to share their work with the group, should they wish to do so.